Frammenti di recitativo (2013) — John Arrigo-Nelson
“A poison Tree” (from Three Bills, 2016) — James Ogburn
Within the Wall (2018) — Marilyn Shrude
Enchanted Days (2010) — Kerrith Livengood
Memoria (2015) — Federico Garcia-De Castro
Alia Musica's appearance at CUSP features some of its most recent repertory—including a 2018 commission from the esteemed Marilyn Shrude, and Federico Garcia-De Castro's powerful Memoria—with older gems that the ensemble is bringing back in 2019-20: Kerrith Livengood's haunting Enchanted Days, and James Ogburn’s A Poison Tree.
Flutes: Brittany Trotter
Clarinet: Alberto Agut
Percussion: Justin Kelly, Ujjal Bhattacharyya
Piano: Matthew Gillespie
Guitar: John Arrigo-Nelson
Violin: Taya Ricker
Cello: Cecilia Orazi
Soprano: Katherine Bell
Conducting: Federico Garcia-De Castro